FRA is a specified airspace within which users may freely plan a route between a defined entry point and a defined exit point, with the possibility to route via intermediate significant points without reference to the ATS route network, subject to airspace availability. Within this airspace, flights remain subject to air traffic control (ATC).
At EUROCONTROL, we initiated FRA development & implementation in cooperation with civil & military experts in airspace design, the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Member States, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airspace users, flight planning organisations & international bodies.
In our capacity as the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), we're responsible for the implementation of an advanced ConOps & free route operations, while providing the pan-European view of FRA deployment. We ensure and coordinate the gradual implementation of FRA, in a harmonised way, throughout European airspace.
Our Upper Area Control Centre in Maastricht (MUAC), which controls a large area of Europe's busiest upper airspace, is a pioneering implementer of the FRA concept.