U-space services implementation monitoring tool

Our reporting tool for the provision of U-space implementation data.

Log in Access conditions

At EUROCONTROL, we monitor the implementation of U-Space services and the execution of demonstration projects.

To facilitate our monitoring role, we developed a dedicated web application to allow U-Space Focal Points (FP) to provide information. The national U-Space FP is nominated by the State among the staff of either the National Supervisory Authority (NSA)/Regulatory Authority or the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), in order to ensure correct and consistent U-Space Services implementation information by respecting the agreed procedures and time schedule.


As a result of our monitoring role, we have produced a U-Space services Implementation Monitoring Report. In it, we assess the maturity of implementation of U-Space services, defined in CORUS project, to enable the Very Low Level (VLL) drone operations.

U-space Services Implementation Monitoring Report

Access conditions

Access for national authorities is granted to the appointed U-Space Focal Points. For additional information on to request access, please contact us.