AI as cyber-protection assistant: aviation-related document leaks

We use AI to increase the cyber-resilience of the aviation system.


As a first innovative action on cyber for AI, EUROCONTROL’s European Air Traffic Management Computer Emergency Response Team (EATM-CERT) has explored the way AI could increase the cyber-resilience of the aviation system, notably for the rapid and reliable detection of aviation-related document leaks.

How it works

The EUROCONTROL EATM/CERT team, using a hybrid approach, pre-trained an off-the-shelf “multilingual transformers model” to adapt it specifically to aviation’s operational, technical and multilingual contexts.


Now integrated in EATM-CERT tools, the model can identify if a leaked document is relevant to aviation much more rapidly than data analysts could. Significant hours of scarce human resources are now being saved in addition to freeing staff from tedious and boring work. This delivers significant cost and operational benefits for the aviation community.