Local and sub-regional airspace management support system

Access conditions

The Local and sub-regional airspace management support system (LARA) is a software package developed by EUROCONTROL and provided free of charge to ECAC States. LARA supports and enhances the airspace management process according to advance flexible use of airspace (AFUA) principles. This enables collaborative decision-making and provides live situational awareness to civil and military partners.


Its functionality encompasses all phases of airspace management reaching from strategic planning to actual airspace activation processes.

LARA’s development and its requirements are based on operational best practices and are driven by its users. It provides a user-friendly interface for online airspace reservations. The system allows the connection with:

  • EUROCONTROL Network Management (NM) systems to ensure data definition consistency via our External data quality tool (EDQ) and provision of relevant AUP/UUP data,
  • air traffic control (ATC) systems to provide in real time up-to-date airspace status and
  • neighbouring LARA systems allowing for seamless cross-border coordination between different States and facilitates efficient cross border operation.

LARA web services support very flexible data exchange for a variety of purposes and on a wide range of devices.

The data exchange is stored on a server and is easily retrievable for national statistics purposes on the use of airspace and for the purpose of the Pan-European Repository of Information Supporting Civil-Military Key Performance Indications (PRISMIL).

LARA’s development is actively supported by the European Commission through the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) and is fully compliant with EU regulations (i.e. PMP  AF3).


We maintain and provide support for this LARA. The software is upgraded based on the operational requirements expressed by our users, following EUROCONTROL Network Manager developments and adhering to new standard airspace management systems requirements.


The evolution of the LARA programme is driven by the LARA Users Group and the LARA Steering Group.

Access conditions

LARA is made available to our Member States and industry partners by:

  1. sending an official request to EUROCONTROL's Director General;
  2. once approved, a service level agreement (SLA) needs to be concluded;
  3. following a signature from both sides, the software has been installed.

The software is free of charge for our Member States. We apply a user-pays principle (UPP) for industry partners.


If you are experiencing issues with accessing or using the tool, please contact us by using our page's contact form.