International NOTAM operations

Our International NOTAM operations service gives European AIS database (EAD) customers access to a central repository of worldwide international NOTAM messages.


This service helps data providers create, maintain and distribute NOTAM, SNOWTAM and ASHTAM for their NOTAM office in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) and EUROCONTROL Operating Procedures for AIS Dynamic Data (OPADD).

INO helps improve the quality and consistency of the NOTAM management process by:

  • centralising information in a repository;
  • NOTAM-SDO linkage;
  • NOTAM grouping;
  • NOTAM templates and proposals;
  • providing a monitored solution through estimated NOTAM, NOTAM history and proposals.

Our service also comes with a built-in solutions to visualise and verify NOTAM information before publication.

This service gives data users direct access to NOTAM, SNOWTAM and ASHTAM for briefing purposes in a user-friendly graphical user interface. It provides a single access point to monitor all NOTAM and pre-flight information.

We make available the following briefing options:

  • aerodrome, area and special area – based on airspace or centre point radius;
  • route – based on aerodrome of departure/destination and over-flown FIRs;
  • narrow route – based on a pre-defined route, a flight plan, or a route described by the operator.

For each briefing, users can request:

  • a "full" or "update" briefing;
  • immediate notification for a pre-defined period of time after creation of the briefing;
  • storage of pre-defined routes based on flight plan or ad-hoc definition;
  • storage of a frequently requested briefing in a profile;
  • permission to re-use the definition of the briefing later on;
  • the scheduling of a profile based on a date/time parameter.

Our service also allows data users to store predefined routes based on flight plan or ad-hoc definition and store frequently requested briefings in a profile, for later reuse.

Interested in our service?

Become an European AIS Database customer!