In order to establish EAD Charges, the Client is requested to provide its yearly turnover.
Type 2 clients
For ANSPs of non-EUROCONTROL Member States countries, or States with a Comprehensive Agreement with EUROCONTROL, the turnover is defined by the cost base for the provision of air navigation services financed through various invoicing mechanism, e.g. en-route air navigation charges for ANSPs and CAA, Terminal Air Navigation Charges or fees for airports, other specific fees or charges.
For other type 2 clients, the turnover is defined by the budget of the entity using EAD information (e.g. university department).
Type 3 clients
Revenues generated by products or the services using information provided by the EAD. This may include:
- Software applications using EAD data in a feature or to provide an output. If this feature is part of an integrated application and cannot be separated from it or sold separately as an ad-on service, it will be the turnover of the entire application;
- Consultancy or software development services based on or using EAD data;
- Any other service using the data.
If no turnover is available yet (start-up), a flat fee per year is applied.
The amount of charges will be determined during the discussion on the EAD agreement between the EAD service and the client. Clients will be asked to produce the related turnover evidence.
In addition, each EAD data user should have adequate liability insurance coverage, the level of which depends on the usage of the EAD data.
When the EAD data user chooses to access the EAD services through the ready-to-run EAD Pro software package, a yearly software license applies. The price list is available here .
When the EAD data user chooses to access through MyEAD (B2B web services based called AIMSL – AIM Service Layer), or through manual data download in the case of SDO static data, no additional charges apply.