Emissions trading system support facility

Helping stakeholders implement aviation’s EU/UK/Swiss ETS and ICAO’s CORSIA in a fair, equitable and efficient manner


We have set up a Support Facility (ETS SF) to help our stakeholders implement the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for aviation, the Swiss and UK ETS and ICAO’s CORSIA. The ETS SF helps with monitoring and reporting and makes processes go smoothly. States and users save money by reducing the cost of compliance with the legislation. Beneficiaries include various parties as detailed below.

Relying on the traffic information available to EUROCONTROL, we estimate the related fuel burn and CO2 emissions with relevant methodologies and complement this with further information important for the implementation of and compliance to the EU, Swiss and UK ETSs and to ICAO’s CORSIA.

Tailored ETS SF web applications and reports compliant to legislation requirements allow authorised stakeholders to get access to and obtain this information.

With the ETS SF, we also provide support to stakeholders in the design, assessment, improvement and implementation of environmental policies in the field of aviation.

ETS SF specific support is available to the following stakeholders:

  • aircraft operators, including third parties authorised by them such as service management companies and accredited verifiers;
  • state competent authorities;
  • European Commission.

Aircraft operators

We provide aircraft operators who need to report their emissions under the EU, Swiss or UK ETS or under ICAO’s CORSIA to their competent authority, with reports and data to support their internal as well as third party verification of the traffic and emissions data on which their annual reports are established. Aircraft operators can then easily benchmark their flights and associated emissions and reports.

Aircraft operators can choose to be notified by the ETS SF whenever there is some change in the data relevant to them, so that they always have a view on the latest emissions/flights situation as available to us.

We inform aircraft operators if, according to our data, they are entitled to report in accordance to the EU, Swiss or UK ETS simplified procedure, i.e. without requiring third party verification. We further support these aircraft operators by providing them with all the data necessary to be able to report according to the simplified procedure, allowing both time and costs savings for them.

EUROCONTROL Emissions Trading System Support Facility


We charge an annual fee of EUR 400 to all aircraft operators who are interested in using our tool. This fee is invested back into developing solutions to manage requests and cover costs related to improvements, security and confidentiality. It also contributes to our support staff costs. None of the fees represents a financial benefit for EUROCONTROL.

Upon payment of the fee, the aircraft operator and any user authorised by it will have unlimited access to the data and support available via the ETS SF for aircraft operators service for that specific aircraft operator and year of data.

Reports and data

All the reports and files we provide to any aircraft operator having subscribed to the ETS SF for aircraft operators are detailed below. All these reports are produced using the information available in EUROCONTROL.

For the EU (EEA) and (for 2020 and later) Swiss ETSs:

  • For aircraft operators attributed to Switzerland in the EC List, the Swiss Annual Emissions Report Excel file compliant to the template published by Switzerland;
  • For aircraft operators attributed to Germany in the EC List, the XML files compliant to Germany’s requirements for reporting via the German FMS;
  • For the years up to 2020 included and for aircraft operators that were attributed to the UK in the EU list of 2020, the files compliant to UK’s requirements for reporting via UK’s ETSWAP;
  • For all other attributed aircraft operators, the EU Annual Emissions Report Excel file compliant to the template published by the European Commission.

For the UK ETS (as of 2021):

  • For all aircraft operators, the files compliant to UK’s requirements for reporting via UK’s ETSWAP.

For ICAO CORSIA (as of 2019):

  • For EEA aircraft operators, the relevant information is inserted in the “CORSIA emissions” sheet of the EU Annual Emissions Report;
  • For Swiss aircraft operators, the Swiss CORSIA emissions report Excel file compliant to the template published by Switzerland;
  • For all other aircraft operators, the ICAO CORSIA emissions report Excel file compliant with the template published by ICAO.

Flights Details

In addition, we provide all aircraft operators with a flights details report (.csv file). This report contains detailed data for all the flights of the aircraft operator, which are of relevance to the EU (EEA), Swiss or UK ETS or to ICAO’s CORSIA.

Annual emissions

An aircraft operator has to report its annual emissions following the below conditions:


A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in an EEA state in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in an EEA state in such year:

  • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

Swiss ETS (as of 2020)

An aircraft operator who has reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year (see above) shall also have to report its non-exempted flights falling under the Swiss ETS in such year, regardless of whether the aircraft operator does not meet any of the following conditions.

A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the Swiss ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from Switzerland and arriving in an aerodrome situated in Switzerland or in an EEA state (its outermost regions being excluded) in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the Swiss ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from Switzerland and arriving in an aerodrome situated in Switzerland or in an EEA state (its outermost regions being excluded) in such year:

  • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.


A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the UK ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in the UK, Gibraltar or an EEA state in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the UK ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in the UK, Gibraltar or an EEA state in such year:

  • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

An aircraft operator has to report its annual emissions on the following conditions:

A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in an EEA state in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in an EEA state in such year:

  • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

An aircraft operator who has reporting obligations under the EU ETS for a given calendar year (see above) shall also have to report its non-exempted flights falling under the Swiss ETS in such year, regardless of whether the aircraft operator does not meet any of the following conditions.

A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the Swiss ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from Switzerland and arriving in an aerodrome situated in Switzerland or in an EEA state (its outermost regions being excluded) in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the Swiss ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from Switzerland and arriving in an aerodrome situated in Switzerland or in an EEA state (its outermost regions being excluded) in such year: • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the UK ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in the UK, Gibraltar or an EEA state in such year:

  • are 243 or more in at least one of the following periods: Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec, and
  • account for 10,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

A non-commercial aircraft operator shall have reporting obligations under the UK ETS for a given calendar year when its non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in the UK, Gibraltar or an EEA state in such year:

  • account for 1,000 tonnes of CO2 or more.

ETS simplified reporting procedure

The ETS SF for aircraft operators supports them in reporting according to the simplified reporting procedures allowed under the EU, Swiss and UK ETSs.

Eligible aircraft operators can obtain from the ETS SF the draft of the ETS report(s) they need to submit to their relevant competent authority. Once they have completed the draft report(s), they can submit the report(s) formally without requiring third party verification, allowing both time and costs savings for them.

In the ETS SF, an aircraft operator is deemed eligible to the simplified reporting procedure support of an ETS if in a calendar year it meets either of the following criteria for that ETS:

  EU (EEA) and Swiss UK
< 3,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions

From non-exempted flights:

  • departing from and arriving in an aerodrome situated in an EEA state (flights to or from outermost regions being excluded insofar as they do not depart or arrive in the same outermost region);
  • between an EEA state (outermost regions excluded) and Switzerland, in either direction;
  • between an EEA state (outermost regions excluded) and UK (outermost regions and oversee countries and territories excluded), in either direction.

From non-exempted flights departing from an aerodrome situated in UK and arriving in an aerodrome situated:

  • in UK;
  • in an EEA state (outermost regions excluded);
  • in Gibraltar;
  • on an offshore structure in the UK sector of the continental shelf or an offshore structure in the continental shelf of an EEA state;

and from non-exempted flights departing from Gibraltar and arriving in an aerodrome situated in UK.

< 25,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions From non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in an EEA state.

From non-exempted flights departing from, or arriving in, an aerodrome situated in:

  • UK;
  • an EEA state;
  • Gibraltar.

Market Based Measures (MBM) map

We support the Aircraft Operators, States’ competent authorities and the ETSs and CORSIA accredited verifiers to understand clearly which flights and related emissions are to be considered when assessing the thresholds defined by such policies and determining the allowances that need to be surrendered (i.e. ETSs) and the credits that need to be offset (i.e. CORSIA).

Our interactive Market Based Measures (MBM) map allows the user to input a route, defining the departure country, territory or aerodrome, and the arrival country, territory or aerodrome. The map then informs the user which ETS or CORSIA legislative provisions apply for flights operating on such route.

Market Based Measures (MBM) map

State competent authorities

We provide the competent authorities with information and data relevant to the EU/UK/Swiss ETS to help them comply with their regulatory obligations under the EU/UK/Swiss ETS.

The ETS SF is available to EU/UK-ETS-relevant states (EEA states, UK and Switzerland) via a web application and via our dedicated helpdesk.

European Commission

Using our expertise, modelling and database capabilities, we provide the European Commission (EC) with:

  • the information which the EC uses for the annual publication of its ETS list, associating aircraft operators with European administering states;
  • an estimate of historical aviation emissions, which the EC will take into account when publishing the aviation sector’s emissions cap within the EU ETS;
  • assessments of the possible impact of changes to the legislation.