The purpose of the airspace data management service is to organise and provide all necessary airspace information to feed the Network Manager Operational systems – Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System (IFPS) and Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS) – and the systems of our operational stakeholders. The airspace data consists of:
- ECAC airspace infrastructure (provided by the ANSPs and/or AIP published information adapted for NMOC operations);
- Operational unpublished data collected from ANSPs (taxi-time, sectorisation, etc.);
- Specific non AIP data required to perform the ATFCM/ASM function (such as Traffic Volumes);
- Airspace management operational data required for EAUP/EUUP publication;
- Restrictions implementation required to validate Flight Plans and ETFMS profile adaptions;
- Library with addresses for distributing ETFMS/IFPS messages/parameter settings to AOs and ANSPs.
The Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC) filters this information and uses it to update the Central Airspace and Capacity Database (CACD), a common airspace data repository feeding operational systems and enabling aeronautical data services. These database updates can be dynamic, semi-dynamic (during the current AIRAC cycle) or static (for the next AIRAC cycles). The airspace data is validated prior to distribution.