Aeronautical data and information quality

Whilst the “ADQ-IR” disappeared, the term “Aeronautical Data Quality - ADQ” remains to be an essential performance driver in the aeronautical data supply chain. Click here to learn more about it.

Important change

On 27 January 2022 the Commission Regulation (EU) 73/2010, of 26 January 2010, laying down requirements on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the single European sky, known as ADQ-IR, has been repealed by the amended Commission Implementing Regulation 2017/373 (ATM/ANS Providers). This added, inter alia, specific requirements for Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) Providers including requirements for those parties that originate and provide data to the AIS Provider.

As a consequence, most earlier documents supporting the ADQ-IR have lost their legal basis and therefore need to be removed and/or replaced, accordingly. The repository below and the Agency webpages have been updated.

The aviation sector needs new technologies and concepts powered by high-quality data to accommodate higher traffic demands, while keeping airspace operations safe.

At the same time, establishing new standards and practices to provide aeronautical information is a complex process since the aeronautical data chain involves numerous actors and transaction points, all of which play a critical role in producing and transmitting data of appropriate quality and format to the meet the requirements of the next intended user.

At EUROCONTROL, we support our stakeholders in the implementation of several European Commission regulations with the aim to ensure the availability of optimum quality aeronautical data and aeronautical information in Europe. We take specifically account to changes applied to global (ICAO) and regional (EASA and EC) regulations, standards and recommended practices.

We actively share our technical knowhow on the broader change process in aeronautical data exchange with a wide range of users through stakeholder meetings, workshops, training courses or events dedicated to wider audience.

ADQ resources

The list below includes the essential material in support of Aeronautical Data Quality - ADQ:

Additional supporting material & reports

AIP Format Differences

Relevant regulations

The following regulations and regulatory developments are important in the context of aeronautical data quality in Europe:

Best practices

We believe the following examples of methods, processes and activities successfully implemented by our stakeholders represent best practices contributing to the implementation of ADQ.

United Kingdom CAA

The CAA's airspace change process published in this guidance sets out how CAA gives effect to the role to approve changes to airspace design and to the law and policy which govern this role. This guidance sets out the framework for the stages of the process and activities from conception through consulting to regulatory decision. Additionally, this guidance covers implementation and subsequent review of that change.

CAP 1616 Airspace Design: Guidance on the regulatory process for changing airspace design including community engagement requirements 

This CAP provides guidance for the origination, management, transmission and distribution of aeronautical data and aeronautical information published in the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP).

CAP 1054 Aeronautical Information Management 

This CAP provides additional guidance for aerodrome operators and other data originators (including contracted activities) to support compliance with Regulations and relevant ICAO SARPS including AMC and GM.

CAP 1732 Aerodrome Survey Guidance 


Swiss national data catalogue. Click here to learn more 


Presentation of the FABEC MIA agreement for cross-border coordination of aeronautical information. Click here to learn more 


Digital aeronautical data viewer from LGS. Click here to learn more 


VFR chart viewer from LVNL. Click here to learn more 

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - USA

Noteworthy good practices include:

  • establishment of an Enterprise Data Management Program to promote a common understanding of the data sets and data standardisation;
  • involving all actors in a Data Governance Board;
  • introduction of the concept of data stewardship;
  • specifications for the collection of airport critical data;
  • explanation on how to submit this data to the FAA.

Please contact us via the contact form on this page to learn more about the above. Publicly available resources are listed here:

150/5300-18B - General Guidance And Specifications For Submission Of Aeronautical Surveys to NGS