Study of the impact of ATFM uncertainty and smoothing performance on declared capacity...

This note presents the intermediate results of a study launched in September 2005. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between ATFM smoothing performance, ATFM uncertainties and declared capacity.

The study was part of the yearly NCD 'ATFCM Studies' work programme, in support of and funded by CFMU.

It appears that the ATFM performance assessment grid currently used at strategic level fails to provide explanations of a number of observed results on the field. At the present stage, no clear conclusion shall be taken for granted. However, it has been demonstrated by the analysis and throughout interviews with FMPs that FMPs / FMDs have developed methods of using the ATFM regulation process to fulfill a number of new operational objectives, which are not currently taken into account when evaluating the ATFM performance.


Study of the impact of ATFM uncertainty and smoothing performance on declared capacity...