Skyway - Autumn/Winter 2021

New airspace users - preparing for a very different future
Skyway issue 75
Skyway issue 75

The Autumn/Winter 2021 edition of our Skyway magazine focuses on the next generation of airspace users – space tourist vehicles, electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) urban air mobility vehicles, high-altitude platforms, drones and flying cars.

We look at the airspace management challenge these entrants will bring and how regulators and airspace managers are planning their introduction alongside aircraft flying today.

As well as talking to the industry pioneers of these sectors we also report the views of leading airspace planners to understand how integration and sustainability will go hand in hand. Eduardo Garcia Gonzalez, CANSO Manager European ATM Coordination and Safety, Giovanni Di Antonio, Chair of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) and Dragos Tonea, Manager into European ATM Network Operations (iNEO) project within EUROCONTROL’s Network Manager Operations Directorate all look at the airspace design challenges these new entrants will bring. Peter Green, Head of Standardisation at EUROCONTROL, highlights the ways standardisation can support the development of new airspace integration concepts.

Luke Winfield, Operations Manager at Spaceport Cornwall and Chris Raymond, Chief Sustainability Officer at Boeing talk about the challenges involved in integrating new operations within international aviation networks while Giancarlo Ferrara, R&D Work Programme Coordinator at EUROCONTROL’s Drone/U-space Unit reports on how this SESAR research programme will support drone and passenger air taxi vehicles safely, securely, sustainably and efficiently operate in a controlled and fully integrated airspace

And EUROCONTROl itself is also undergoing some major changes. Major General Karsten Stoye started work as Head of EUROCONTROL’s Civil-Military Coordination Division in October, at a time of unusual market volatility, political uncertainty and EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub in Brétigny in September 2021 is so significant to aviation research throughout Europe.


Skyway - Autumn/Winter 2021