Skyway - Autumn/Winter 2019

Artificial intelligence: a new era for aviation
Skyway Autumn/Winter 2019 cover
Skyway - Autumn/Winter 2019 banner

Our latest Skyway magazine is now out. This time we look at how artificial intelligence can help improve air traffic control and forecasting accuracy.

In this Autumn-Winter issue, we delve into the role EUROCONTROL can play in more efficient data collection and distribution through our Network Manager's latest investment in AI, our Maastricht UAC's intelligent planning and our continuing dedication to diminishing aviation's impact on the environment through concepts like continuous climb and descent operations (CCO/CDO).

"We need to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) and to explore how it can help us in ATM... this edition of Skyway has some very practical examples of what AI actually means for ATM."

Eamonn Brennan Director General EUROCONTROL

From the community

Skyway has always been a medium for our stakeholders to share their insights and initiatives with the rest of the aviation sector. In this issue, we continue this tradition with articles from industry leaders on various topics, including :

  • Smart connections for sustainable growth by Pekka Henttu, Director General, TraFi;
  • Aerospace needs a wider vision to find AI solutions, by Philippe Mouttou, AI4EU’s External Liaison Manager, Thales and Patrick Gatellier, Project Coordinator, Thales;
  • Key priorities and timescales for artificial intelligence to help improve aviation performance, by Françoise Soulié-Fogelman, HUB France iA;
  • Real safety and capacity gains at Heathrow from artificial intelligence initiatives, by Andrew Taylor, Chief Solutions Officer, NATS;
  • AI is not about replacing humans – it's about making them more efficient, by John Hurley, Chief Technology Officer, Ryanair,
  • Intelligent steps for the future, by Tanja Grobotek, Europe Affairs Director, CANSO;
  • Provide a vital bridge between States and the Agency by state liaison officers;
  • US and European ATM performance comparisons provide valid and useful benchmarks, by John Gulding, System Product and Development Manager, FAA;
  • How people are key for the future of aviation, by Iacopo Prissinotti, Director Network Management, EUROCONTROL.

Download our full issue below to find the full articles and more. Also, be sure to subscribe to get your latest issue as it is published in a digital, or print format.


Skyway is EUROCONTROL's official magazine. Launched in 1996 Skyway has developed into an authoritative voice, examining in depth the major challenges to improving air traffic management (ATM) performance in Europe and globally.


This issue of Skyway is made possible thanks to advertisements from ADB Safegate, Aireon, ENAIRE, Group EAD, Hensoldt and Indra


Skyway No. 71 - Autumn/Winter 2019