Network Strategy Plan 2020-2029

Endorsed by the NMB at NMB/25 on 27 June 2019
Network Strategy Plan 2020-2029 Cover

One of EUROCONTROL's tasks as Network Manager (NM) is to develop, maintain and implement the Network Strategy Plan (NSP). The Network Strategy Plan is the strategic tool for managing the European ATM network.

The NSP defines those strategic operational objectives needed to achieve the requisite levels of ATM performance. It is a tool for managing the European ATM network. It responds to the SES performance objectives and to the Business requirements expressed by the different stakeholders.

The NSP is endorsed by the Network Management Board, following the Single Sky Committee's positive opinion, prior to being approved by the European Commission.

The document aims to provide an executive view (vision, strategic objectives, high-level plan) identifying the main actions and projects required to implement the NSP.

The actions and projects deriving from the NSP are described in details in the Network Operations Plan (NOP).

The Network Strategy Plan:

  • Provides a common understanding of the way the ATM network as a whole will achieve the performance targets. It is essential for identifying and defining the roles of each of the operational stakeholders in implementing the changes, and in identifying the expected contribution from the Network Manager. This contribution will be framed within the NSP in a Network Manager Performance Plan, similar to the one already prepared by States or FABs.
  • Clarifies what the Network requires from the technology evolution to achieve its performance objectives. The ATM Master plan will take on board these requirements, and to some extent the NSP will serve a platform to dialogue between the SESAR R&D and the Network Operations.
  • Identifies the issues that need to be pushed to the entities adopting the plan. Several problems might require solutions outside the ATM operations world. Clarifying the most important of them will allow a better understanding between the States and EU on one side, and the operational stakeholders on the other side.


Network Strategy Plan 2020-2029