Mode S elementary surveillance (ELS) operations manual

The operational introduction of SSR Mode S Elementary Surveillance requires the compilation of essential operational information so that the appropriate organisations in the States concerned are able to introduce the planned improvements to SSR based air traffic services (ATS) in a safe, efficient and coordinated manner.

The material in this Operations Manual has been developed from previous guidance material1 by the Mode S Elementary Surveillance Operational Introduction (ELS-OPS) Task Force, a group of civil and military operational and procedure specialists, tasked through the Aircraft Identification Implementation Support Group (AIISG). The mission of the AIISG is to provide a single stakeholder forum for the successful implementation of the Aircraft Identification Programme in accordance with the aircraft identification strategy established by the Air Navigation Service Board (ANSB).

In compiling this material, account has been taken of the Mode S Flight Data Processing (MOFR) Task Force's deliverable - Functional Requirements for Mode A Assignment and Correlation, as approved by the EUROCONTROL Operational Requirements and ATM Data Processing Team (ODT) on 14 November 2001. Account has also been taken of current ATC operational procedures and flight plan processing systems, and the need for modification to cater both for the improved surveillance functionality and for the maintenance of interoperability between Mode S equipped and non-Mode S equipped ground stations.

Where it has been found that no previously documented information exists concerning specific aspects pertinent to the operational introduction of Mode S, the Task Force has endeavoured to formulate the operational principles considered to be necessary. This Operations Manual has been developed as guidance to assist States and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) to produce unit level instructions and, where necessary, Letters of Agreement with adjacent States/ANSPs. Certain procedures specific to Mode S already exist in ICAO documentation. Where the Task Force has considered that these suffice, it has restated or made reference to them.
This Operations Manual supersedes the document Guidance for the Operational Introduction of SSR Mode S, Volume 1 Elementary Surveillance, edition 1.0, dated 17 Dec. 2003.


Mode S elementary surveillance (ELS) operations manual