For 47 years, EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) has enjoyed a leading position in the core area of Europe thanks to its provision of seamless air navigation services to the upper airspace of Belgium, northwest Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In order to maintain this position, it continuously strives to deliver safe, efficient and cost-effective cross-border air navigation services in a dynamic air transport marketplace.
Not only is it a leading provider of air navigation services, it is also Europe’s first multinational, cross-border civil-military air navigation service provider. Today, such large-scale international airspace is still unique in Europe. MUAC has played a pivotal role in integrating European airspace on a functional basis, driven not by national boundaries, but by the operational requirements of international traffic flows.
With some 28,000 additional flights (i.e. +1.3%) on the previous year, 2018 was another year of stronger-than-forecast growth.
Learn more in the full report available below.