Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) Annual Report 2017

Rising to the challenge of traffic growth

This latest version of the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) Annual report provides an analysis of the performance of this international non-profit air navigation service provider (ANSP) throughout 2017.

MUAC is an international non-profit air navigation service provider, operated by EUROCONTROL on behalf of the Four States – Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. MUAC ensures that aircraft flying in the upper airspace (above 24,500 feet or 7.5 km) over Benelux and north-west Germany can do so safely and efficiently.

To manage this busy and complex airspace, MUAC is organised on a multinational, cross-border basis. It is a working example of how European cooperation, at both civil and military levels, can result in safety, capacity and efficiency benefits for all.

MUAC is uniquely positioned to provide sustainable air navigation services in a large airspace block, satisfying customer expectations and increasing air traffic demand.

With some 68,000 additional flights (i.e. +3.9%) on the previous year, 2017 was another year of stronger-than-forecast growth. This good result was achieved with the same amount of people and the same budget as in previous years. Learn more in the full annual report for 2017 below.

Learn more in the full report available below.


Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) Annual Report 2017