Maastricht UAC AIRAC brief for aircraft operators

The MUAC AO AIRAC Brief summarises the main changes to the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs), the Route Availability Document (RAD) and flight plan routeings in the MUAC airspace.

At each AIRAC date, flight planning and route database management are impacted by many changes. At EUROCONTROL's Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC), part of our support to aircraft operators (AOs) in this process is to provide an overview of AIRAC changes, which we consider relevant.

Our AO AIRAC brief highlights saving potentials thanks to new routeings and improved profiles, which are usually difficult to discover in the amount of AIRAC changes.

The information is compiled for aircraft operators and computerised flight planning service provider (CFSPs). It complements the official aeronautical publications such as AIP and RAD.

Beside the regular AIRAC brief we additionally publish briefs for special events.


MUAC AO AIRAC 2406 brief
MUAC AO AIRAC 2405 brief
NATO Tiger Meet 2024 brief