Joint ECAC-EUROCONTROL event on AI in aviation - presentations

ECAC and EUROCONTROL organised a joint event on the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) for the aviation sector.

The event was hosted at EUROCONTROL’s headquarters in Brussels and was attended by 34 ECAC Member States, represented by Directors General of Civil Aviation and their senior experts. The President of the ICAO Council and other European and international organisations, stakeholders and manufacturers in the aviation industry were invited as speakers.

You can download the presentations below.


Introduction to AI in aviation - Alessio Quaranta, ECAC President
AI in the airline community - A daily practice, ean Ruiz Carpio, Head of Aviation Data, IATA
Towards a world of more autonomous travel - Romaric Redon, Artificial Intelligence and Fast tracker Leader, Airbus
Heathrow example - Andrew Taylor, Chief Solutions Officer, Digital Towers, NATS
Germany’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy and its application to aviation - Johann Friedrich Colsman, DGCA Germany
AI and cybersecurity - Patrick MANA, EATM-CERT Manager, EUROCONTROL
Automation and data protection - Marc Baumgartner, SESAR/EASA coordinator, IFATCA
EASA AI Roadmap - Patrick Ky, Executive Director, EASA
European Commission 2021 Artificial Intelligence Package - Lucilla Sioli, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT, European Commission
FLY AI Report - Marouan Chida, Head of Digital Transformation & Innovation, SESAR Joint undertaking