IFPS Users Manual

A centralised flight plan processing and distribution service has been established under the authority of the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM). The service is provided by the Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System (IFPS) and covers that part of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) EUR Region known as the IFPS Zone (IFPZ).

This document provides all users of the IFPS with an easy to access reference manual.

The manual is intended to contain all the necessary procedures and information in order for users to be able to construct, transmit or when necessary to correct, flight plan and associated update messages. Procedures for the distribution of such messages after processing by the IFPS are also described.

Correct and accurate application of the procedures contained in this document is essential to the achievement of consistent flight plan data among all relevant actors in the flight planning process.


IFPS Users Manual MAINT-2 External Edition
IFPS Users Manual MAINT-1 External Edition