This generic safety case covers the different lifecycle stages of the change from definition to operation.
A local safety assessment should be conducted based on these documents to verify completeness and correctness of the generic safety case considering the local operational environment and any local specific regulation.
The Project Owner shall verify that the Safety argument presented in this generic safety case is applicable and acceptable for the local deployment. This safety argument should be presented and accepted by the Competent Authority.
The deployment of helicopter PinS operations is a multi-actor change and therefore requires coordination between different stakeholders (service providers, heliport/landing site operator and helicopter operators). This coordination is essential to ensure a safe deployment.
In addition to the generic safety case, an excel document is available providing in a synthetic way all the different safety elements to be considered for the local deployment. The project owner and the associated stakeholders could filter ( e.g. by domain, by type of operation, by ops environment) the applicable safety elements (Safety criteria, Safety requirements, Assumptions, Recommendations).