Runway incursion risks include a complex combination of factors that can only be addressed through a collaborative approach involving aircraft operators, air navigation service providers, airports and regulators. Under the leadership of ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, IATA, ACI WORLD, CANSO, EUROCONTROL and the Flight Safety Foundation more than 200 aviation experts from 100 organisations have been involved in developing the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (GAPPRI).
The findings and recommendations in the GAPPRI report are based on an analysis of multiple global and regional datasets, combined with insights garnered from operational expertise. This strategy extended beyond the study of only hazardous events; the recommendations incorporate lessons from all operations – operations in which everything goes right as well as those in which something goes wrong.
GAPPRI is intended to serve as a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience, enabling government and industry not only to cope with increases in traffic but also to be proactive in anticipating and addressing problems. Its recommendations include immediate and near-term actions to mitigate the serious incidents studied, and also future solutions involving introduction of new technologies that are in the development pipeline for deployment in the medium time horizon. GAPRRI also identifies research and development investments with potential high-risk mitigation benefits that would be mature for deployment in the longer-term time horizon.
GAPPRI Part I contains the agreed recommendations for the following civil aviation organisations: aerodrome operators, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators, manufacturers, and regulators. It also addressees research and development (R&D) recommendations to States, international organisations and the industry.
GAPPRI Part II provides explanatory and guidance material, and re¬lated best practices for the recommendations listed in GAPPRI Part I.