European Route Network Improvement Plan (ERNIP) - Monitoring Report - AIRAC 2103

ERNIP Monthly report cover
ERNIP monitoring report background image

Our monthly European route network implementation plan (ERNIP) monitoring report provides an overview of the airspace design improvements applied by States during the past AIRAC cycle and an analysis of their potential and real world effects.

Highlights for AIRAC 2102


airspace improvement measures in AIRAC 2007 coordinated with the EUROCONTROL Network Manager


implementing entities

Potential savings

The improvement measures implemented since AIRAC 2103 could have led to:

204,000 NMs

flown less on shortest available route

1,200 tonnes

less fuel used

4,000 tons

less CO2 emitted



Real-world performance

Based on our filed flight plan indicator, the actual situation during AIRAC 2103 was:

116,000 NMs

flown less compared to shortest available route

700 tonnes

less fuel used

2,300 tons

less CO2 emitted



Key reasons

Potential causes having an impact on flight planning/ airline choices: 

  • Weather
  • Industrial action
  • Closed areas in adjacent airspace(s)
  • Regulations applied due to capacity problems in the network

Note: The data of AIRAC 2103 report are significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis. Traffic continues to progress between 40%~50% of last year’s levels, still around 50% - 60% fewer flights in the NM area compared to 2019. Therefore, the statistics/ results might not be as reliable and accurate as usual.

For more details, download our monitoring report.


EUROCONTROL Monitoring Report - AIRAC 2103