Updated yearly, the Plan covers a short to medium-term horizon of around 5 years ahead. It is based on the ATM MP L1 and L2, the SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP), the Network Strategy Plan (NSP), and the SES Interoperability Regulations. In turn, the MPL3 Implementation Plan feeds the LSSIP+ monitoring mechanism as well as the reporting process through the yearly elaboration of the MPL3 Implementation Report.
The MPL3 Plan 2023 edition mirrors the content of the SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP) edition 2022 for what concerns the IR (EU) 2021/116 on the Common Project 1 (CP1). It also features the following changes in the Implementation Objectives:
- 2 Implementation Objectives changed in status, from Initial to Active (Local),
- 2 Implementation Objectives changed in status, from Active to Achieved. They are both linked to the CP1 Regulation.
he EUROCONTROL Provisional Council endorsed the 2023 Edition of the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 (MPL3) Implementation Plan in August 2023.