ICAO (Global Runway Safety Symposium 2011) has noted that the rate of runway excursions has not decreased in more than 20 years. Accidents continue to take place on and around runways.
The content of this Action Plan is the result of the combined and sustained efforts of organisations representing all areas of runway operations. Their intention is to enhance runway safety by advocating the implementation of the recommendations it contains. The contributing organisations include, but are not limited to, Aerodrome Operators, Air Navigation Service Providers, Aeronautical Information Service Providers, Aircraft Operators, Aircraft Manufacturers, Professional Associations, the European Aviation Safety Agency and National Aviation Safety Authorities.
The commitment of these organisations and of all operational staff is to prevent runway excursions using all practicable means available ranging from the design of aircraft, airspace, procedures and technologies to relevant training for operational staff associated with runway excursion prevention. In this way runway safety actions make a difference to day to day operations.
As such, this Action Plan is directed at all providers and users of European aerodromes and all European aircraft operators for all their operations worldwide.