EUROCONTROL Specification for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)

Airport Collaborative Decision Making is regarded as an important enabler that will improve operational efficiency, predictability and punctuality of the ATM network and among airport partners.

This document describes A-CDM and supports its implementation at an airport, by providing requirements to Airport Operators and their partners, Air Navigation Service Providers, Aircraft operators and Ground Handlers etc.

A-CDM focuses especially on aircraft turn-round and pre-departure processes. By linking the inbound flight with the outbound flight in the A-CDM System the process tracks the progress of the outbound flight using a continuous sequence of significant events, known as milestones. These milestones are triggers for updating downstream estimates, issuing alert messages and notifications, etc. This process enables a CDM Airport to provide accurate estimates of take-off time to the Network Manager.

This Specification contributes to the implementation of the essential requirements of the EASA Basic Regulation and enables the implementation of the ATM Functionality 2 (AF 2) of the CP1 Regulation 2021/116.


EUROCONTROL Specification for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)
Consultation material