To appropriately facilitate OAT and its interface with General Air Traffic (GAT) within the SES environment, it is the intent of EUROCONTROL Member States to harmonise and standardise relevant national OAT rules at ECAC level and therefore, Member States required the Agency to develop respective publication.
The EUROCONTROL Publication for harmonised Rules for OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace of the ECAC area as detailed in this document are satisfying this requirement and enable the EUROCONTROL Member States to achieve the intended harmonisation, pending their individual national implementation.
Additionally, this publication is in line with the declaration of the EU Member States in the SES Framework Regulation (EC 549/2004) and will support them to enhance civil-military coordination and the facilitation of cooperation between their armed forces in ATM matters.
National Implementation of the rules and procedures specified in this document will ensure OAT-IFR harmonisation/standardisation within the controlled airspace of all States that have chosen to implement the EUROAT.
However, military and other state aircraft will continue to require a valid diplomatic clearance to cross national borders.