- The network recorded 34,388 average daily flights (+4.8% vs 2023). This was 0.6% above the previous week’s average.
- Network traffic in August was at 97.6% of 2019 levels, close to our latest base STATFOR forecast (97.1%) – but at State level, the situation is more diverse, notably in the South-East axis with traffic growth well beyond that level. Year-to-date traffic is 95% of 2019, 5% more than 2023.
- The States in the South-East axis experienced the highest traffic increase compared to 2019, notably with a 2-digit increase for Moldova, Albania, Georgia, Estonia, Hungary, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Malta and Croatia.
- En-route ATFM delays were similar to the previous week (+1%) with 125,039 daily minutes. This is 41% higher than in 2023 and represents on average 3.64 min/flight.
- For August, en-route ATFM delays were 53% higher than in 2023. So far for Q3 (July, August, September), en-route ATFM delays are 67% higher than in Q3 2023.
- ATC capacity/staffing was the top delay cause last week (55% of all en-route ATFM delays) followed by convective weather (36%).
- EUROCONTROL billed 1,002M€ for July 2024 (8% above July 2023 and 25% above July 2019) reflecting more service units (+6%) and higher unit rates.
EUROCONTROL's European Aviation Overview provides a detailed snapshot of the latest Network trends.
It uses the latest traffic data to show how States, airports and airlines are performing, with further analysis of market segments, fuel prices, and delays.
Headlines for 26 August - 1 September 2024
The next edition of the European Aviation Overview, covering the whole of 2023, will be released early in January.
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