- The Network recorded 24,506 average daily flights (+7% vs 2022). The average number of flights was 2% lower than in the previous week, with airlines scaling back on flights more than expected, as they changed to winter schedules.
- Since the beginning of November, the number of flights in the network was at 92% of 2019 levels, in line with the low scenario.
- On average, the top 10 carriers decreased their capacities by 2% compared to the previous week.
- En-route ATFM delays averaged just below 13,000 minutes per day (0.53 min/flight), with the main causes being capacity & staffing (46%). The delay levels are now much lower due to the decrease in flights. However, the week registered 5% higher delays compared to the previous week.
- Arrival and departure punctuality, at 76.3% and 72.1% respectively, were 8.4/9.1 percentage points below 2019 levels, and also lower than the equivalent week in 2022.
- EUROCONTROL billed 837M€ in en-route charges for October 2023 flights, 16% above the amount billed for October 2022 flights. On a year-to-date basis, EUROCONTROL has billed 7,769M€ in 2023, +20% compared to 2022, reflecting more service units and higher unit rates.
- The average jet fuel price stood at 2.98 USD/gallon on 17 November 2023, a 3% increase compared to two weeks ago.
EUROCONTROL's European Aviation Overview provides a detailed snapshot of the latest Network trends.
It uses the latest traffic data to show how States, airports and airlines are performing, with further analysis of market segments, fuel prices, and delays.
Headlines for the week from 13 to 19 November 2023
Headlines for 2023
EUROCONTROL’s latest European Aviation Overview looks at the entire network over 2023 - and highlights the challenge of achieving punctuality for over 10 million flights in the face of strikes, a massive increase in adverse weather and the disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
- 10.2 million flights, 10% up on 2022, 92% of 2019
- 1.19 billion passengers through Europe’s top 40 airports (Jan-Nov), 21% more than in 2022
- 34,367 peak daily flights for the year on 7 July 2023
- 12% more CO2 emissions than in 2022
- Arrival punctuality of 71.0% (71.3% in 2022)
- 20% lower fuel prices than in 2022
- 20% more route charges billed than in 2022
- 1.8 minutes/flight en-route ATFM delays, similar to 2022 despite more traffic and a major increase in strike plus weather-related delays.
The next edition of the European Aviation Overview, covering the whole of 2023, will be released early in January.
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