Civil-military cooperation priorities 2024+

Civil-military cooperation priorities 2024+ - Cover

With its civil-military intergovernmental status, EUROCONTROL is a unique pan-European Organisation which, through its Civil-Military Cooperation (CMC) Division, provides technical and operational solutions to support military and civil aviation through an effective network of all relevant players to help ensuring military mission effectiveness and civil flight efficiency in a sustainable and secure aviation environment.

The CMC Division main civil-military cooperation improvements are related to Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA), CNS optimisation, aviation sustainability, aviation security, European ATM network (EATMN) performance and its future digitalisation and automation for the benefit of both military and civil aviation. The new political situation in Europe calls for increased considerations regarding European security and defence needs and the resulting military requirements, requiring adaptation in related areas of civil-military cooperation.

2024+ priorities

  • Civil-Military Cooperation and support to States, Stakeholders, EU, ICAO and NATO
  • FUA solutions for airspace dynamicity, flexibility and sustainability
  • CNS optimisation & Civil-Military CNS Interoperability
  • Civil-Military secure data-sharing in an automated SWIM environment
  • Military Network Requirements (4th/5th Gen. Fighters, RPAS, HAO)
  • Improve the ATM security posture of stakeholders in an evolving threat environment
  • SESAR 3, Common Projects & European Defence funds


Civil-Military Cooperation Priorities 2024+