CAT253 - ASTERIX Category 253 Specification

Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information

This document contains a description of the ASTERIX category 253.

This category is reserved for the remote monitoring and control. Until now, no standard exists for ASTERIX category 253. Because the requirements of the different users of ASTERIX category 253 differ too much for a common definition, no attempt for standardisation of ASTERIX category 253 is made.

This document describes therefore only the list of items that can be used by applications using ASTERIX category 253. The problem of different applications is solved by defining different UAPs for each user. At this moment there are 3 users that are covered in this document:

  • The IRSMC/REMP system of the DFS (Germany)
  • The ERCAMS system of NATS (UK)
  • The Thales Group applications


ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 12.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 11.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 10.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 9.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 8.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 7.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 6.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 5.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 4.0
ASTERIX Category 253 Specification: Remote Station Monitoring and Control Information - Ed. 3.0