The implementation progress was reported by 42 ECAC States and 4 nonECAC States within ICAO EUR/NAT Region, where information of ECAC States was collected based upon ESSIP/LSSIP process and non-ECAC States were requested to report implementation progress through revised ATMGE State Report. This report was developed by EUROCONTROL in cooperation with ICAO EUR/NAT Office. The aim is to inform the ICAO European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) on the progress made and seek further endorsement for the reporting and monitoring methodology.
Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Implementation Monitoring Report (2014-2013)
ICAO EUR States - Reference period 2014-2013
This report presents an overview of the implementation progress of ICAO ASBU Block 0 Module over the reporting period 2013-2014.