ATFCM Operations Manual

The ATFCM Operations Manual is intended to provide Flow Management Positions (FMPs) and EUROCONTROL's Network Manager (NM) with common understanding of their roles in delivering the most effective Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) services to Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Aircraft Operators (AOs).

The ATFCM Operations Manual is designed to provide guidance and procedures for all EUROCONTROL NM and FMP staff involved in the delivery of ATFCM services. It is  intended for all EUROCONTROL NM and FMP staff involved in operational air traffic flow and capacity management.


ATFCM Operations Manual - Edition MAINT-2 - Validity date: 18/06/2024
ATFCM Operations Manual - Edition 27.0 - Validity date: 25/04/2023