ANS performance monitoring (Airport level, 2013)

This data is published by the Performance Review Body (PRB) of the Single European Sky. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and analysis contained on this website are as accurate and complete as possible. Despite these precautions, should you find any errors or inconsistencies we would be grateful if you could please bring them to the Performance Review Unit’s attention.

For feedback or questions please contact us at: Performance Review Unit

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Also available online:
EU wide view 2012 2013 2014
Local View 2012 2013 2014
Airport View 2012 2013 2014
Download Area Meta data Glossary
Select airport here:
Dashboard second reference period (RP2)
 TRAFFIC [annual results]
 IFR movements [ARR + DEP]
 Source: Network Manager
 Source: Network Manager
 ANS performance indicators [annual results]
 Overview table   
 INBOUND traffic flow [annual results]
 Airport ATFM arrival delay PI     (Meta data)
 Source:Network Manager
 OUTBOUND traffic flow [annual results]
 ASMA additional time PI       (Meta data)
 Source:PRU analysis; Network Manager; CODA
 Taxi out additional time PI      (Meta data)
 Source:PRU analysis; Network Manager; CODA
The information may be copied in whole or in part providing that the copyright notice and disclaimer are included. The information may not be modified without prior written permission from the PRB. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of EUROCONTROL or of the European Commission, which make no warranty, either implied or express, for the information contained on this website, neither do they assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. The PRB reserves the right to change or amend the information provided at any time and without prior notice.