The free routing (FR) concept enables airspace users to fly as close as possible to their preferred trajectory, without being constrained by fixed airspace structures or fixed route networks.
FR implementation represents a step towards the less fragmented European airspace targeted by the Single European Sky (SES). It provides airspace users with the possibility to fly their user-preferred routes, in accordance with their business needs or mission requirements.
FR will result in a seamless airspace, enabling more efficient flights, a reduction in airspace user costs. This will promote cheaper travel, increasing personal mobility and trade.
Implementing free routing airspace (FRA) will additionally reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that currently contribute to global warming, thereby creating a greener airspace.
PJ06 partners will validate, through modelling and real-time simulations, both the benefit to AUs and the impact on ATM of this extension of FRA into complex airspace and lower vertical limits.
The corresponding effect on the network of the change of traffic flows, and the need to balance flight efficiency with capacity, are important aspects of this project.
It is hoped that the results will provide evidence that the ongoing FRA implementation across Europe can be extended cost effectively to highly complex environments across all SES airspace.