Network Collaborative Management (NCM) is a trust-building exercise designed to demonstrate the maturity of the integrated network and local concept elements. It is all about helping meet performance targets and expectations, a challenge that requires a collaborative and synchronised effort to be made by all the actors involved in air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM).
This project will pave the way for SESAR deployment activities and the implementation of the future performance-driven ATM environment in Europe. Project PJ24 - NCM is a joint venture between the operational and research activities of EUROCONTROL, combining their knowledge and expertise in this new SESAR challenge. PJ24 kicked off in November 2016 and is managed in close collaboration with PJ25 - Arrival management extended to en-route airspace.
PJ24 is designed not to require outputs from other SESAR 2020 industrial research (IR) projects and large-scale demonstrations (VLDs), though it might follow the evolution of some of them in order to build a compliant concept of operation and tools.
The results and outputs of the S2020 IR and VLD projects should not affect the content of wave 1 planned demonstrations, but PJ24 will ensure that concept of operation maintenance takes them into account in planning wave 2.