Flight plan and flight data evolution

Improving air traffic management planning across Europe's air traffic management network

The Flight Plan and Flight Data Evolution Project (FPFDE) is a strategic project within the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM) to deliver the flight planning and flight data exchanges as foreseen within strategic documents such as the European ATM Master Plan and the Network Strategy Plan.

It encompasses the implementation of Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE), both pre-departure and post-departure processes, in support of trajectory-based operations (TBO). The introduction of advanced flexible use of airspace (A-FUA) requires knowledge of the expected traffic, both civil and military, thus the provision, processing and use of operational air traffic (OAT) flight plans are also included in the scope of the project.

Additionally, the project will introduce the management of visual flight rules (VFR) flight plans within the IFPZ.


FF-ICE Release 1

This release (FF-ICE/R1) focuses on the pre-departure phase of flight. The FF-ICE main procedures and processes are described in terms of services deployed within a System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) operational environment. This project implements FF-ICE services in three steps:

Step 1:

  • Filing Service for filing of FF-ICE flight plans (eFPLs);
  • Trial Service, to enable airspace users to determine the acceptability/validity of a flight plan without actually filing it; and
  • Flight Data Request Service to retrieve information specific to flights.

Step 2:

  • Data Publication Service, to support the distribution of FF-ICE flight plans; and
  • Notification Service, to provide departure and arrival notifications.

Step 3: Implementation of the FF-ICE planning service to enable airspace users to:

  • submit information about intended flights via a preliminary flight plan; and
  • receive feedback regarding restrictions; this service will utilise automated collaborative decision making (CDM) processes through which NM will provide an airspace user with the restrictions and constraints applicable to their flights. It will also provide NM with early flight intent information that will aid in demand assessment and ATM resource planning.

In step 3, NM will also implement CDM processes and procedures with European ANSPs to provide consolidated feedback in the response to submitted flight plans.

FF-ICE Release 2

This release (FF-ICE/R2) concerns the post departure phase of flight and allows airspace users, NM and the relevant ANSPs to agree about changes to the flight’s agreed trajectory. Post-departure negotiation pertains to changes in the agreed trajectory which do not necessitate involvement of ATC in the negotiation.

This deliverable will provide the NM system upgrades necessary to ensure that NM can participate in this negotiation and exchange of flight information. It is currently being developed by the ICAO Air Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel (ATMRPP).

iOAT Flight Plan

This deliverable includes the reception, processing and distribution of harmonised and improved flight plans for operational air traffic (iOAT flight plans) by NM. In addition to the ICAO 2012 flight plan data, iOAT flight plans will allow sharing of military specific ATM information needed to fulfil mission requirements e.g. special en-route activities, identification of reserved airspace. It will therefore support enhanced flexible use of airspace (FUA) and airspace management processes.

VFR Flight Plan Processing and Distribution by NM

NM aims to provide support to VFR flight planning by ensuring adherence to standard flight planning format and syntax. It will enable a centralised flight plan processing and distribution service for VFR flight plans, similar to the one currently in operation for Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plans. It includes centralised storage and access to supplementary flight plan information for VFR flights for search and rescue purposes.

NM Processing of EPP Information

This concerns the integration of relevant elements of downlinked trajectories, provided by extended projected profile (EPP) data from airborne aircraft, to improve NM trajectory information.

It will ensure a consistent view on the flight trajectory between air and ground systems and improve the NM system trajectory prediction calculations.

Implementation status


The FF-ICE services detailed in Steps 1 and 2 (filing, trial, flight data request, data publication and notification services) have been implemented in NM operational systems.

iOAT Flight Plan

The initial phase of iOAT flight plan implementation in the NM systems has been completed, with the deployment at local level by the three pilot States: Belgium, France and Germany, and Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC).

Expected benefits


  • High fidelity traffic demand resulting from enriched and coordinated trajectory information, including aircraft performance data;
  • More accurate input to arrival and departure management processes, airspace users and airport operators access to more accurate flight information for local planning purposes;
  • Improved flight efficiencies, including environmental concerns, through the incorporation of preference and constraint information enabling more informed choices;
  • Progressive migration to TBO of aircraft operators, air navigation service providers and airports facilitated by an early implementation of FF-ICE by NM; and
  • Improved traffic predictability and airspace capacity utilisation.

iOAT Flight Plan

  • Enhanced civil military coordination with respect to military ATM requirements;
  • Improved capacity through increased traffic predictability (availability of military flights requesting special handling or with a potential impact on complexity); and
  • Integrated view on the actual status of the airspace.

VFR Flight Plan Processing and Distribution by NM

  • Centralised flight plan processing and distribution service for VFR flight plans, similar to the one currently in operations for IFR flight plans.

NM Processing of EPP Information

  • Consistent view on the flight trajectory between air and ground systems and improving the NM system trajectory prediction calculations.


For any further questions, please get in touch with the FPFDE team using the "Contact us" button on the bottom right of this page.

Further information


Flight and flow information for a collaborative environment

The Implementation Strategy for FPFDE NFPM provides a strategy for how the new flight planning related concepts coming from the ICAO Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) can be implemented by the FPFDE Project.

Implementation Strategy for FPFDE NFPM

The FPFDE NFPM Implementation Guidelines provides guidance and requirements on the new FF-ICE/R1 flight planning services, procedures and data related to IFR/GAT Route/Trajectory segments that will be conducted wholly or partly in the IFPZ.

FPFDE NFPM Implementation Guidelines

iOAT Flight Plan

Acknowledge EU funding square

This project has been co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union.