The SESAR 2020 Programme aims to modernise and harmonise the European air traffic management (ATM) system from an operational and technological perspective. It develops and validates different ATM concepts and technologies (SESAR solutions) which contribute to achieving its high-level performance objectives.
In this complex context, it is crucial to have a transversal activity which generates a consolidated big picture and ensures the consistency and coherence of the future European ATM system described by the SESAR 2020 Concept of Operations, the Architecture Description Document, the many services and the associated performance results.
This will ensure the delivery of a best-in-class, globally interoperable, high performing, greener and digitalised air transport system, and will make the Single European Sky concept a reality.
These transversal activities are carried out in the framework of the Content integration, performance management and business case development (PJ19-W2 CI) project lead by EUROCONTROL. The project produces the SESAR European ATM architecture available on the European ATM Master Plan (eATM) portal.