ASM (Airspace Management Service) SWIM (System-Wide Information Management) is a multi-stakeholder project with 15 participants and 3 observers partnering to ensure a timely and synchronised implementation of Common Project 1 (CP1) in accordance with the deployment approach defined in the SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP).
It addresses short-term implementation needs resulting from the CP1 (CIR (EU) 2021/116), particularly the implementation of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) Functionalities "AF5 –System Wide Information Management (SWIM)" and in particular it's sub-functionality on Aeronautical Information Exchange.
SWIM aims at the digitalisation of information exchanges across the European ATM system, enabling direct operational benefits by assuring the provision of commonly understood quality information delivered to the right place at the right time.
The project will enable SWIM exchanges across ASM support systems and real time exchanges of airspace status information between ASM Support System and Air Traffic Control (ATC) System, enhancing flight safety, improving civil-military ASM tactical coordination and facilitating Cross-Border Operations. This will translate into an increased airspace capacity by optimising flown trajectories and a reduction of CO2 emissions.
ASM SWIM is part of the CLEAN ATM project, which addresses key technological elements that have been identified as those in most urgent need of be deployed to ensure the overall efficiency and environmental sustainability of Air Traffic Management in Europe. The project enables the European-wide adoption of key CP1 elements.