The 4th edition of the European Aviation Environmental Report (EAER), compiled by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) with support from the European Commission, European Environment Agency (EEA) and EUROCONTROL, was released today. It provides an overview of the current progress in achieving these environmental goals, the challenges that the aviation sector faces, and the way forward. It contains historical and future air traffic scenarios and their associated noise and emissions, the latest scientific understanding of these impacts, and key mitigation areas (Technology and Design; Sustainable Aviation Fuels; Air Traffic Management - Operations; Airports; Market-Based Measures; and International Cooperation).
The EAER 2025 also reviews the progress made on recommendations from the 2022 edition of the report, highlighting the establishment of sustainability targets at EU and ICAO level and significant developments in the area of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). In addition, the report looks to the future and considers new recommendations that aim to further improve the level of environmental protection and emissions reductions in civil aviation. An example is the need to build on the Single European Sky reforms and develop suitable performance indicators to incentivise better climate and environmental performance in the European aviation network.