23 January 2025 - The EUROCONTROL Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) and Reims Area Control Centre (ACC) today implemented a major redesign of their airspace boundary. This redesign represents a significant milestone that underscores their commitment to providing safe and efficient air navigation services in what is one of Europe’s busiest and most complex airspace areas.
The update to the Air Traffic Control (ATC) sector interface between both centres is particularly significant as the new boundary aligns with the flow of traffic, rather than rigidly tracing national borders. This allows for a more direct routing as well as a reduction in complexity and air traffic controller workload and will ultimately result in an increase in ATC capacity.
In addition, the associated improved routings and enhanced flight profiles will enable airlines to plan shorter, more direct routes through the airspace block. This, in turn, has the potential to deliver environmental benefits as less fuel is consumed and associated emissions are reduced.