
Planning and Implementing Aviation Decarbonisation and Climate Adaptation in one-stop-shop

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FlyingGreen in a nutshell

As the aviation industry continues to grow, it is crucial to address the associated environmental challenges. FlyingGreen provides States, ANSPs, airports, and other aviation stakeholders with the tools and resources they need to adopt green practices and strive towards a more sustainable future.

The FlyingGreen platform is set up under 4 strategic pillars for the decarbonisation of aviation that reflect the most pressing strategic priorities: reducing emissions (NetZero), transitioning to more sustainable fuel (Fuelling Decarb), building climate change resilience to ensure efficient, safe operations (ClimAdapt) and accelerating aviation's access to green funding (DecarbFin).

Discover the functions of the platform four pillars


The NetZero pillar features emissions and comprehensive fuel burn tracking at several levels. It enables users to measure and monitor the emissions as well as to consult estimated emissions in the future based on the different growth scenarios outlined in the EUROCONTROL’s air traffic forecast Aviation Outlook 2050.

Disclaimer: Note that the NetZero platform is still under development and that fuel burn and emission values should not be used for reporting purposes.

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Fuelling Decarb

The Fuelling Decarb pillar deploys a green energy transition tool with three main functions: The Green Fuels function assesses the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and H2 production potential per country. The Market Check function identifies the gaps between the quantities of green fuels needed and the production capabilities. The Energy Estimator function evaluates the required quantities and type of electricity to produce green fuels to meet objectives and sustainability goals (renewable and low carbon energy).

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Under ClimAdapt the climate risk assessment pre-screening tool supports aviation’s operational stakeholders in taking the first steps in initiating a climate change risk assessment for their organisation or state. It provides an initial evaluation of an organisation’s understanding of the climate effects and impacts they might experience that can be used to initiate the decision-making process for a full-scale climate risk assessment and support making the case to leadership teams.

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The Fund Pathfinder under DecarbFin informs users on existing EU funding opportunities tailored for the purpose of the decarbonisation or climate adaptation initiative. The service provides information on the different types of programmes and funding opportunities, best practices on fund applications, and examples of successfully funded projects. Moreover, the Bluebook guide supports aviation stakeholders in understanding and taking actions to comply with EU Taxonomy and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) regulations.

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The EUROCONTROL FlyingGreen platform will continuously be improved and complemented in the coming months with new functionalities.

Visit the platform

To learn more and try the interactive platform for yourself, click on the link to the right.

About the members of the FlyingGreen Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Group (SECG)

More than 250 stakeholders will contribute to the FlyingGreen development with various levels of engagement, of which about 100 agreed to collaborate with us more intensively to refine the specifications.

Participants to the FlyingGreen consultation range from all aviation sectors and encompass national administrations and EU bodies involved in aviation policies.

Upcoming meetings

We are happy to announce the first FlyingGreen consultation meetings that will take place via Teams conference call in March 2024. The consultation schedule will be organised by pillar sub-group as follows:

  • NetZero sub-group: 12 March at 10:00
  • FuellingDecarb sub-group: 12 March at 13:00
  • ClimAdapt sub-group: 12 March at 14:00
  • DecarbFin sub-group: 12 March at 15:00

How to access

The Member’s area is available to members of the FlyingGreen Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Group (SECG) who have registered to be informed about, consulted for or be involved in the development of the future services EUROCONTROL will offer under its FlyingGreen initiative. We are grateful for your contribution to making our services as relevant as possible to aviation stakeholders’ decarbonisation needs.

When subscribing to the FlyingGreen SECG through the dedicated registration form, you will at the same time receive access to a secured Teams platform where the FlyingGreen documentation, including the materials used during the SECG videoconferences, is stored.

Become a member of the FlyingGreen SECG and subscribe here.