ERNIP tool

European route network improvement plan tool

Improve the European route network and airspace structure.

Log in Access

The European Route Network Improvement Plan (ERNIP) tool is a web-based, interactive application which provides easy access to projects – planned for implementation or under development – to improve the European air traffic service (ATS) route network, the airspace structure and its use.

The ERNIP tool supports the European Route Network Improvement Plan (ERNIP) and records the projects and their evolution, supports the coordination process and facilitates the collaborative planning process for implementation.

Monitoring and reporting

Download our dedicated reports to monitor the potential and actual gains/losses of projects implemented.


Only operational stakeholders directly involved in airspace design can access the tool.

Request access

To access the ERNIP database, operational stakeholders should:

  1. Register for OneSky Online
    You can register to OneSky Online in a few minutes and this will allow you to access this and many other EUROCONTROL tools.
  2. Subscribe to the tool
    Once you have registered, log in, and click on the 'Manage' button at the bottom right-hand side of your screen. The page which comes up will allow you to manage the tools you are subscribed to. Find the database in the list, click on it, provide a business justification for requesting access, and click on 'Subscribe'.
  3. Confirmation
    Your request will be vetted and you will receive confirmation that you can now access the tool. The time this takes depends on the team in charge and the process applied. When you have received confirmation, log in to OneSky Online, click on the tool in your list of services and enjoy.

Register to OneSky Online


If you are experiencing problems accessing or using the tool, please contact us by using the contact form which you will find at the bottom right-hand side of this page.