
One step closer to the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking

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The recent adoption by the European Commission of a regulatory proposal to set up nine new European Partnerships including the Single European Sky ATM Research – SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (JU), brings us one important step closer to a smarter and more sustainable European aviation sector. SESAR 3 aims to accelerate the rollout of innovative digital solutions, with EUROCONTROL, as a founding Joint Undertaking member, continuing to play a key role.

The new SESAR 3 partnership will develop further the role of the Joint Undertaking, with a much greater emphasis on innovation rather than pure research and development (R&D), with the clear objective of accelerating change to facilitate a quicker integration of solutions into operations. SESAR 3 will seek to involve EASA and EUROCAE at an early stage to prepare the certification, industrialisation and standardisation aspects, enabling solutions to move quicker from R&D to deployment without losing the innovation momentum.

“With the publication of the regulatory proposal to set up SESAR 3, we’re really putting the bricks in place for a programme that is key to efforts to build back better European aviation. We expect SESAR 3 to take a decisive step forward towards delivering a smarter, more sustainable, Digital European Sky. SESAR 3 is all about quickly deploying innovative digital solutions into operations – and EUROCONTROL will play a key part in accelerating change.”

Eamonn Brennan Director General, EUROCONTROL

The next key milestone will be the adoption of a Single Basic Act establishing the future SESAR 3 JU as well as the other partnerships by the Council of the European Union, which is expected later this year.

Learn more about this proposed Regulation

Follow the link for more details on the proposed Regulation and the EC press releases.

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