During each session, 14 approaches were flown to test variously ILS approaches to the primary or secondary aiming point, and RNP approaches with Increased Glide Slope to the secondary aiming point under both steady and switched runway and approach light configurations.
Furthermore, the test approaches ran under a variety of visual conditions ranging from CAVOK to 2,500 m visibility. The second video above illustrates the visual conditions during an RNP 3.5º approach to the SRAP with steady lights and 2,500 m visibility.
Concept feasibility was evaluated with 24 pilots flying 14 approaches which were measured using video recordings indicating the visual conditions experienced by the pilots and data recordings of flight parameters like aircraft 3D position, vertical speed, airspeed, thrust, weight, etc. to assess approach and landing performance.
Pilots were also asked to complete a questionnaire after each approach containing questions about visual indications, workload and safety, as well as one questionnaire at the end of each simulator session with general questions on the acceptability of the concept.