This major achievement for both ENAV and EUROCONTROL-EAD was completed mid-May of this year and is the outcome of a very successful project, started in April 2021. ENAV has been a ‘business-to-business (B2B) data provider of EAD since September 2009 and used to exchange data in the former AIXM 4.5 format.
AIXM 5.1 offers a more refined and structured manner of encoding data and as such offers many more perspectives for the exchange of aeronautical information in a digitalised manner. The exchange of static and dynamic data in AIXM 5.1 is a key enabler for digital NOTAM, (ICAO) Digital Data Sets and for other enhancements, facilitating at the same time the optimisation of Network operations in full compliance with regulatory requirements.
The transition of EAD Data Providers to AIXM 5.1 is in line with the digital transformation journey initiated by EUROCONTROL through the integrated Network Management programme (iNM). The new system delivered by iNM, the enhanced EAD (eEAD), will operate in AIXM 5.1. ENAV, as the first B2B data provider using the SDD Service, contributed significantly to the improvement of the process, paving the road for the subsequent transitions of other EAD B2B data providers to AIXM 5.1.