
The world of CNS infrastructure at your fingertips

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EUROCONTROL is launching a new communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) infrastructure overview panel with simple, accurate and interactive data on key infrastructure performance metrics from across the European air traffic management (ATM) network.

Our goal is to provide a network-wide view of CNS infrastructure as part of the EUROCONTROL Network Manager function to “monitor the performance of the infrastructure relevant for the execution of the network functions”.

This new function spans ground and space-based navigation systems, datalink communications, airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS), airborne altimetry, surveillance interrogators and avionics. By monitoring the performance of infrastructure, we ensure the smooth running of the network and try to predict issues and outages before they have a serious impact.

Key performance indicators

To shine some light on the scale and importance of the CNS infrastructure for the overall network performance our panel gives users quick insight into three key metrics:

  1. Delay caused by CNS infrastructure
    For those interested in more details, we provide an evolution view with a  monthly breakdown this delay segment in minutes and as a percentage of total delay going back to 2018;
  2. Annual cost to States
    Ever wondered how much all of this infrastructure costs – we have that answer for you for communication, navigation and surveillance with a three years backlog and four years forecast;
  3. Single European Sky implementation progress
    We also showcase the progress States have made in their Single European Sky implementation commitment with a specific CNS infrastructure focus.

The Network-wide view

Below our three KPIs, we give our curious visitors seven interactive maps highlighting some of the monitoring work we do to improve network performance. These include monitoring of:

  • Datalink deployment status - showing the status of controller-pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) deployment in Europe’s airspace;
  • 8.33 kHz conversion rate - showing the percentage of voice frequencies converted to 8.33-kHz channel spacing for each European State;
  • Maximum number of Mode S replies/second - the peaks in Mode S reply rates per minute recorded during test flights above FL300;
  • ADS-B equipage density – comparing the proportion of flights equipped with ADS-B v2 with the total number of flights for a specific airspace
  • Frequency congestion - showing the number of VHF voice channels available for a new control sector in each geographical location
  • DME/DME redundancy - showing the number of valid DME pairs available for area navigation using DME/DME position updates at 9,500 feet;
  • PBN procedures – the implementation status and plans for PBN final approach procedures with vertical guidance at European airports.

Along with a short explanation and the maps powered by data collected as part of our function, our dashboard links to other web pages to helps you gain additional insight into our specific services – for those who want to learn more.

Interested to learn more?

Dive into our detailed view of CNS infrastructure monitoring.

Latest highlights

Press release

EASA & EUROCONTROL sign MoC to enhance cooperation for the safe and sustainable future of European aviation

Paul Bosman & Predrag Vranjkovic

The new CNS Programme Manager’s role and challenges

Magda Kopczyńska

U-space design and implementation: EUROCONTROL’s key role in supporting Member States

Eduardo Santander

Towards a unified sky vision: integrating ATM & AAM for future air transport

Christophe Vivier

New military technologies will require ATM modernisation to manage airspace more dynamically, safely and efficiently

Remus Lacatus

New entrants drive innovations in civil and military airspace management operations