After two years of consecutive reductions, and in a context of progressive traffic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, ATM/CNS provisions costs rose in real terms by +4% in 2022, mainly reflecting increases in staff costs (+€220.2M) and in the cost of capital (+€163.2M).
While ANSPs' resources were mostly scaled down in 2020 and 2021 to adapt to lower traffic levels, it seems that the number of ATCOs in OPS in 2022 reached back its 2019 level, but capital expenditures remained some 23% lower than in 2019. Looking at ATFM delays, there was an increase by a factor of almost seven in 2022 (starting from a rather low base in 2021). As a result, the share of ATFM delays costs in the 2022 unit economic costs amounted to 20% and reached a level close to that observed in 2019.