
Assessing progress in ICAO ASBU module implementation

Airplane on a runway

EUROCONTROL has been monitoring the implementation of Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) on behalf of ICAO via its EUR/NAT Office since 2015. The 6th and latest edition of the ICAO ASBU Implementation Monitoring report, developed by EUROCONTROL on behalf of ICAO and endorsed by ICAO’s European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) earlier in December, provides a consolidated overview of the progress made by each of the 55 States in the ICAO EUR Region in implementing ASBU Block 0 Modules.

The ASBUs are the building blocks of the GANP, ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan, which sets out the steps needed to achieve global ATM interoperability and harmonisation. They provide a global planning framework to ICAO and its Member States, associated ANSPs and other stakeholders, for advancing their air navigation capabilities and systems based on specific operational requirements, and for modernizing them in a harmonised and timely fashion to maximise the capacity, safety and efficiency of operations, reducing also the environmental footprint.

The ICAO ASBU Implementation Monitoring report enables the EASPG to monitor and analyse implementation progress across the ICAO/EUR region, and avoids duplication of reporting by drawing on existing monitoring mechanisms (EUROCONTROL’s well-established Local Single Sky Implementation (LSSIP) process, based on ATM Master Plan Level 3 [MPL3]), coupled with information received from the 9 remaining non-ECAC States in the EUR Region via a dedicated questionnaire.

The report comprehensively summarises progress and planning for all Block 0 ASBU Modules, as well as a future implementation outlook based on planning dates reported by States.

Download and read the full ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report below.

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