
7th EUROCONTROL/ICAO ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report offers best-in-class monitoring of ASBU implementation

ECTL/ICAO ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report

The 7th annual ICAO/EUROCONTROL ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report for ICAO EUR States, covering 2020, has just been endorsed by ICAO’s European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG), which hailed it as being the most comprehensive yet in terms of scope, especially for airport-related elements, and in terms of granularity – making the ICAO EUR region the best-in-class of all ICAO regions when it comes to transparency in monitoring of ASBU implementation.

The Report is a key ICAO EUR/NAT Office publication, enabling the EASPG to monitor and analyse Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) implementation within the ICAO EUR Region, as well as consider future implementation evolution in accordance with planning dates reported by States. ASBUs form the backbone of ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), a global planning framework designed to ensure interoperable, harmonised and modern air navigation systems. Thanks to the ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report, all actors can see at a glance the state of progress in implementation of 70 ASBU Block 0 and Block 1 Elements across the ICAO EUR Region, from highly mature ASBU elements at State/ANSP level such as Short-term Conflict Alert (completed by 98% of States), ones well on their way like Free Route Airspace (54% completion), or ones with a longer way to go like VHF Datalink (31%).

EUROCONTROL has been providing crucial support to ICAO in this regard for many years, helping streamline the planning and monitoring process, ensuring no double reporting, and minimising efforts needed from States. This is ensured by the strong link between ICAO’s GANP and its European counterpart, the ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan.

The Report itself draws on two main data sources: EUROCONTROL’s well-established LSSIP mechanism, covering 43 States in total (its 41 Member States and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States – Israel and Morocco), plus the results of a dedicated questionnaire sent to the remaining 9 non-ECAC States accredited to the ICAO EUR Region (Algeria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). These are further augmented by several additional data sources (e.g. EUROCONTROL’s PBN Map Tool, LSSIP Surveillance Annex, national AIPs, EUROCONTROL Network Manager documents, etc.) to improve further quality, consistency and granularity.

Work on the latest edition of the Report started in early 2021, with the establishment of the EUR Region GANP Transition Project Team (EURGANT – PT), and concluded with EASPG approval in early December. The main task of the team, involving representatives from more than 10 EUR States, as well as ICAO, EUROCONTROL and the Federal Aviation Administration, was to analyse changes brought by the new GANP 6th Edition (endorsed at the 40th ICAO Assembly in September 2019) and propose the way forward for ASBU monitoring in the EUR Region.

ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report

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