Network performance

Looking ahead together to prepare for future traffic.


We assess the performance of the network, check that it is in line with the objectives in the Network Strategic, Operations and Performance Plans, recommend measures and actions to address the identified issues.

This helps us improve how the network functions while meeting the requirements of the Single European Sky Performance Scheme.

2023 in numbers

FLIGHTS handled

91.5 %

of 2019 traffic levels


We monitor past air traffic management (ATM) network activity to create performance indicators and propose operational improvements. We analyse this data and provide it to our stakeholders in the form of reports on overall network performance. We also publish regular network operations and ATFM compliance reports for stakeholders.

We provide consistent and comprehensive information on the overall air transport delay situation in Europe. Based on data from airports and air carriers, we publish timely, reliable and comprehensive reports on all causes of air traffic delay in Europe and make large database of taxi-in and taxi-out times available policy makers and managers of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) air transport system. We also provide support to performance- driven planning, identification, development and deployment of best practices and operational improvements. This allows our stakeholders to improve predictability and this increase capacity on a network scale.

We support the process of the National Supervisory Authorities that allows operational stakeholders to report problems relating to air traffic flow management delay measurement, classification and assignment. By using our adjustment process, we allow a better understanding of network constraints, encourage more positive network behaviour and promote innovative procedures. As part of our process, we provide a performance dataset that includes the approved changes. This dataset is available for reporting on the performance scheme and local management.

Become a data partner

Are you an airline operating flights within EUROCONTROL Network Manager area? Contribute your data to get free access to the All-causes delay analysis interactive dashboard and support to analysis of your operational performance. Contact us to begin the process.



Air traffic flow management statistics dashboard


All-causes delay analysis interactive dashboard

Aviation data for research


Network Manager interactive analysis tool


Network Manager interactive reporting dashboard


Network operations real time indicators

Latest highlights

DG meeting Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation

EUROCONTROL welcomes Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation, Dr Sameh Elhefny, to Brussels Headquarters

European flags

EUROCONTROL welcomes the entry into force of the SES2+ Regulation

Aviation Trends - Summer 2024 performance

European Aviation Trends paper on Summer 2024 performance

Press release

Summer 2024 – Overview of Network performance

Press release

July 2024 – Overview of Network Performance


EUROCONTROL aviation network update - Week 28, 2024